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The most comprehensive law and notary firm in Montreal.

The expertise of our lawyers and notaries

Our lawyers and notaries are experts in real estate law. Moreover, our firm offers all services related to co-ownership that you need on a daily basis, whatever the issues, challenges or situations you face. We serve the Greater Montreal area and the entire province of Quebec.

The fields of expertise of our lawyers and notaries

Can't find the expertise you're looking for?

Visit the co-ownership services section of our website and browse through the other fields of our law and notary firm.

Request a legal consultation with one of our lawyers or notaries

To obtain a legal consultation and speak with one of De Grandpré Jolicoeur’s lawyers or notaries, click on the link below.

Would you like to discover our firm, lawyers and notaries?

Would you like to find out more about our firm, notaries and lawyers? Visit our about page, and learn more about our mission, our values and the people who make up De Grandpré Jolicoeur.

Would you like to contact our lawyers or notaries?

For more information about De Grandpré Jolicoeur’s areas of expertise or to discuss your legal needs with one of our lawyers or notaries, please contact us at any time.

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